

Hurray for Arrays

Had a question from Mrs.C. She wanted to know how can Y1(K-1) students better understand arrays.

An array at it most basic is arranging a group similar objects  in rows with equal fixed amounts, and columns with equal fixed amounts. Some examples of arrays in our daily life are: a carton of eggs, an ice cube tray, a brand new box of crayons, the eyelets on shoes, the buttons on a phone, and cupcakes in a tray. Can you think of any others?

These each have items all lined up in rows with equal amounts going across, and columns with equal amounts going down. 

No matter which direction we count all the items we get the same amount. Let’s look at 6 dots. How can we arrange them evenly? First separate them into even amounts. 

Arrays are meant to help us find or see the total amounts easier. For example: if we separate our dots into two equal groups we will have how many in each group? Three. Super. Now let’s put each group of 3 in a column. How many columns did we get? There should be two. Let’s review. How many columns? Two. How many in each column? Three. 

So we made an array with two columns and each column has three dots each. Again, how many dots are in the first column?  3 good. How many dots are in the second column? 3 perfect.  Look we have 3+3 That is all of our dots. Now let’s add. 3+3= what does this equal. We should have six dots. That’s what we started with.

Arrays are a way of organizing objects, and numbers so that we can see exactly what we have more easily. Now you try, but this time put the dots in even rows. Remember rows go across.  This can be a bit tricky. Just take your time and think. If you get confused. That’s your time to ask a question.